Level 23 Pedagogist
31st Σ2.147

22nd Σ4.343

30th Σ3.133

24th Σ4.224

funk in pants 
30th Σ2.314

  30th/30   Σ16.161   Dec 5th 2016 12:18am
This is my first amiga mod : )

I made this for the Commodore Trilogy major battle BUT since it reaches over the double of the currently allowed amiga mod's entry size I submit it here since it also apply to this major's theme

Here is the mod file:

previous entry
sethdonut - Vulgare

nextious entry
peshti - Mayve
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #74743 :: 2016.12.06 8:20am
  th4 D34D liēkd this
thanks a lot, Dezolis! =' 3 and yea lol most of music i hear are ancient jrpg music so i might have been influenced by their sounding, this track was meant more to be a experimentation on melodic lanes and different structures rather than based on a fixed style, i realized lot of tricks while doing it so i possibly may apply some of the things i learned on a more defined track style later =' D
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #74835 :: 2016.12.09 12:54am
  MiDoRi and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Sick! I've listened to this a good number of times now and love the progressive nature throughout. I could see this working for many games, bullet hell, metroidvania, fighting, racing, or definitely a boss battle like Dez said. Reminds me of industrial metal like kmfdm/ministry/fear factory, but with some death thrash elements like terrorizer/napalm death/testament/sepultura. Interesting leads and melodies, and lots of cool pitch bends. I really like the stuttering 1:55, sounds sick. Nice job!
Level 25 Chipist
post #75497 :: 2016.12.25 9:11pm
  ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
It's pretty rad. I'm not sure how funky it is but then again my entry might not be either. It's outside of the box, but I can dig it. Cool stuff ha ha.
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #76430 :: 2017.01.08 8:44am
I had not the idea of making a funk theme while doing it lol is something i composed for the Commodore Trilogy major and because i could not upload there i did in this funk compo lol my bad = c

This said my concept of funk is that it is constructed progressively and has bass playing around with notorious drums independent of the instrument setup's being metal or symphonic or whatever so i uploaded it here having that in mind lol

Also lol thanks; idk what you meant about second 55 being reminding you about kungfufurby lmao BUT i may checkout his songs right now = 3

btw, thanks for listening =' 3 and for giving feedback = D still need to know if there is a definition of what makes music being funk besides specifically sounding like the ones who standarized it =' D

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