Level 13 Mixist

cool breeze 
153rd Σ4.784

sweaty morning 
191st Σ4.645

naked power 
203rd Σ4.576

excite night 
163rd Σ4.831

jellyfish in pants 
179th Σ4.699

Astro Wizard Skeeball
  186th/321   Σ23.535   Jul 9th 2022 5:17am
I got inspired by a bunch of Tim Follin stuff and the 3D Pinball Space Cadet theme. Quite the glow-up from the last MIDI track that I ever did, which was made over 4 years ago in Summer Chip VIII.

I'm still not quite used to making MIDI files, so it took me a while to finish this. Made with FL Studio.

previous entry
crabbandicoot - NiƱa Jaguar I

nextious entry
Juniper - 90s Jungle Motivational Gym Workout Boss Fight
Level 31 Chipist
post #159271 :: 2022.08.08 12:21pm
  Googie liēkd this
really groovy, proggy tune! feels like a lot of care was put into all the drum sequencing and the transitions between sections

i think there could be more subtle variation between note velocities in a lot of this writing, both to give humanlike life to the rhythmic ostinatos and to shape the melodies a little. a bit of that goes a long way in giving a more "liveplay-like" feel, along with slight alterations in note length (or even like 'de-quantizing' some notes off the grid).

the trills are kind of awkward, i kind of think for the effect you could use Channel Pitch to do the trill or a big vibrato, that way you don't get the note attack repeatedly. if you do want to do them with individual short notes like this, it's best for the velocities to swell or alternate or something, and for it to not be perfectly rhythmic either (again, humanlike touches).

maybe personal preference but i thought the crash cymbal was quite loud

just offering my feedback since you mentioned being not yet used to making midis in FL. i really enjoyed this entry
Level 13 Mixist
post #159275 :: 2022.08.08 2:11pm :: edit 2022.08.08 2:12pm
  damifortune liēkd this
Thanks for your comment! I was aware of some of these things as I composed this; I actually gained awareness of how velocity could be used and how there were separate channels for volume and pitch.. near the completion of this track. By that point, I just wanted to be done, and I didn't feel like making re-adjustments by the time I already finished. Now it's like a permanent stain here.. -w-;
If I make another MIDI in the future, these are things that I'll keep in mind next time as I go along. I don't like FL all that much either, so hopefully I find a more preferred means of doing so.
I just hope everyone will still enjoy this track despite my lack of MIDI experience.
Level 31 Chipist
post #159282 :: 2022.08.08 4:24pm :: edit 2022.08.08 4:25pm
  Googie liēkd this
aw, i wouldn't look at it as a stain! you learned a lot from making this from the sound of things, and you produced a very exciting work in the process. your songwriting chops are great, i think it's plenty enjoyable 8)
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #159939 :: 2022.08.24 5:41pm
  Googie liēkd this
Another dope midi track, is that what all the cool kids are doing these days?!
Level 21 Chipist
post #160332 :: 2022.08.27 5:20pm
  Googie liēkd this
Wow this is so cool, I love how there are so many different sections and different time signatures like 7/8 in there!

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