i think theres something very charming about chiptune which only plays back correctly on hardware. thumbsup!!
Started this tune by writing in maxYMiser a beat that was being beatboxed by the kid of a friend of mine, and added whatever sprang to mind trying to make it all sort of tell a story.
🛠️ This tune wasn't easy to finish, I made it with the STeem emulator, but when I tested it on hardware, many volumes needed to be adjusted, an instrument was 2 semitones off, and some sounds wouldn't play. Had to use the Hatari emulator to correct all problems, but some sounds don't sound as good as they first did with STeem. Had to submit something that sounds correct on the hardware anyway.
🔊 For replay, I recommend using the mp3, which is a hardware render. I tried playing the SNDH with WinJAM and MicroST on Windows and they both fail at reproducing some instruments. ay_emul is the most accurate player for this tune but the hardware sounds a lot better.
The best way to replay this SNDH on a modern OS is to use the emulator Hatari (set the RAM to 2Mb) and maxYMiser 1.61, 2MB version.
⌨️ To play the tune on ST the simplest way is to use this executable that should play on any stock ST, hardware or emulated, no matter how much RAM it has. I've been using MelonadeM's chip battle art entry as background for the player.
Anymway, hope you like it! :)