ok so i opened this within the editor. from what i can tell, the map was supposed to be way more impressive than what i saw, considering that there were quite a few islands to explore. that's what i assume the whirlpools at the end of the map are supposed to do, but when going into one of them, it makes me drown instead and are essentially functionless. while the concept presented is neat, i'd rather it work in the final product rather than having discovered this within the editor - sucks a lot of the coolness away, honestly :/
also, side note: NOT fun to walk down a screen blindly only to drown in water and find out there's a one tile bridge that i have to know is there otherwise i get damaged due to it. at least i know this thing actually has quarterhearts
also, side note: NOT fun to walk down a screen blindly only to drown in water and find out there's a one tile bridge that i have to know is there otherwise i get damaged due to it. at least i know this thing actually has quarterhearts