I apologize to anyone whose woofers I stress-tested with this one.
The mid-section here sounds like a steady 4/4 but it's recorded in a completely different tempo from the project tempo. That is to say, instead of 4/4 in whatever BPM it's in, it's "technically" a dotted 9/8 at 131bpm. That made doing all the accompaniment a total nonsense-fest and I ran out of time before I could actually, you know, mix or even adjust the way-too-quiet volume on the 303.
However, click tracks are for boring feebs and I have no regrets.
The mid-section here sounds like a steady 4/4 but it's recorded in a completely different tempo from the project tempo. That is to say, instead of 4/4 in whatever BPM it's in, it's "technically" a dotted 9/8 at 131bpm. That made doing all the accompaniment a total nonsense-fest and I ran out of time before I could actually, you know, mix or even adjust the way-too-quiet volume on the 303.
However, click tracks are for boring feebs and I have no regrets.