Modus Ponens
Level 19 Chipist

organic produce 
21st Σ5.222

razor leaf 
61st Σ4.735

72nd Σ4.507

cool pastures 
20th Σ5.449

wood in pants 
32nd Σ5.080

  37th/213   Σ24.994   May 4th 2016 11:00pm
2A03+FDS+those timp samples I always use

Acceptance is the "ending theme" from an EP I put together as a (completely unsolicited) musical portion of my application to go to the DigiPen Institute of Technology. The first track in this mini-album, Bildungsroman, was my sole entry for Winter Chip VI, submitted under the title of "Doug's DigiPen Application." As I have just graduated from DigiPen, I thought it might be fitting to submit this ending theme to Spring Tracks.

1. This is a multi-track module!! D= The piece that is submitted for consideration is the last track in the module — the track called "Acceptance," which is of course the one that I have rendered. This is the one you're actually voting on.
2. The first track in the module — the one called "Bildungsroman" — may sound familiar, as I submitted it to Winter Chip VI. It is not what you are voting on, though, and has only been included for the sake of completeness and to provide better context for evaluation.
3. This piece has been written in the tradition of video game staff roll themes that include a medley of the music from the game, so to get the true experience, please donload the module and listen to the whole thing.

I just wanted to be really explicit about all these details, because what you get when you click Listen and what you get when you click Donload are very different, and also, and especially, because I have already entered a part of this module in a prior battle, and I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not trying to profit off of it twice.

previous entry
TheDonStrife - For The Love of Funk

nextious entry
OrdinateIsDead - Thank You
Level 17 Chipist
post #67417 :: 2016.05.12 5:15pm
  Flaminglog and Modus Ponens liēkd this
I really like the tunes and stuff here. The chords are actually nice to listen to. The only thing I can see should get a bit more work is using a much better form of instrumentation. Nevertheless, this is awesome!
Level 19 Chipist
Modus Ponens
post #67570 :: 2016.05.14 2:07pm
  Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
Thanks, Deathro. I wrote this in a sort of an "as blank as possible" phase for my instruments. If I were to recreate this module, I would probably have more interesting instrumentation in most of it.
Level 24 Chipist
post #67739 :: 2016.05.16 7:27pm
  Savestate, Sinc-X, gotoandplay and Modus Ponens liēkd this
your instrumentation style is similar to mine for the most part

simple is a style too
Level 25 Chipist
post #68120 :: 2016.05.24 7:36pm
  Modus Ponens liēkd this
ahhh nice!
Level 29 Mixist
post #68200 :: 2016.05.26 7:34pm
  Modus Ponens liēkd this
1:05 is cool : )))
Level 28 Mixist
post #68269 :: 2016.05.28 12:10am
  Modus Ponens liēkd this

this is so good <3
Level 19 Chipist
Modus Ponens
post #68392 :: 2016.05.29 10:22pm
  sethdonut liēkd this
Whoops, thought I might make it one major without auto-faving my entry =\
Level 21 Mixist
post #68739 :: 2016.06.08 11:24am
  Modus Ponens liēkd this
love end-credits-core and ending medleys and love this so thank you
Level 19 Chipist
Modus Ponens
post #68740 :: 2016.06.08 11:29am
Thank you, Seth!

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