i love this so much
amiga ham-6 for good old nostalgy! and from a crappy eye-hurting collage! :) - i think i'm using all pictures provided, and nothing else!
composition was made on inkscape (using menu:object:clip:set for cutting all pieces), colour enhancement in just 3 pictures on gimp, and "conversion" to ham-6 from a sdlBasic script (can be converted to a "true" ham-6 iff-ilbm without any loss)
- inkscape svg file used: https://pastebin.com/raw/g3XNekSY
- sdlBasic script used: https://pastebin.com/raw/rSVK4C4n
- bash script for converting the png file (exported to png) to that one submitted here: https://pastebin.com/raw/thUBMchU (just uses a bit of imagemagick for resizing)