
BronzeDay2024 mysterious

Level 28 XHBist
post #185597 :: 2024.02.25 6:42am
I like the machine sound at the start and the mysterious cave feel. The low pitched synth bass is also dope and has an imminent vibe to it in its sequencing. The white noise electro hi-hats at 0:29 were a welcome addition. Saw wave shortly after sets the melodic foundation and, from slow legato notes to arp mode, goes wild progressively. The couple of fake endings towards the end were also a nice touch.

It was pointed out in your other entry, somewhere very mysterious, that it sounds like DKC music. And I certainly feel this way about this one, too.
Level 28 Chipist
post #185602 :: 2024.02.25 7:00am
The SID-like stuff towards the end really stood out to me. This has a nice feel!
Level 21 Chipist
post #185849 :: 2024.02.27 5:52pm
dark industriousness! good videogame background theme, good hook.

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