Level 31 Chipist
Channel F

heart magic 
28th Σ5.591

brain tech 
80th Σ5.126

bleep plan 
70th Σ5.298

tweak tact 
106th Σ5.075

our winter pants 
83rd Σ5.052

A Town of Four Colors
  65th/324   Σ26.143   Feb 17th 2023 12:33pm
made with Sleizsa QUARTET (!!) in the 0.2.0 alpha release of bintracker
! i think this is the first botb entry to use these things! bintracker has a lot of promise, though presently it's both unstable and laggy, and i couldn't figure out how to make use of the additional features SleizsaQuartet offers (besides the 4th channel for notes obviously). i was able to make this though without too many issues!

interestingly there were some dropped notes, which at first i thought were related to note cuts (rests) in other channels applying globally to all channels, but not in all cases. the 2nd loop had some different dropped notes, so even though this render loops halfway through, the loop actually sounds kinda unique.

previous entry
kgb525 - Chillin' in the Castle Town

nextious entry
Thingerthing - Imagine Both Worlds
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #167534 :: 2023.02.17 3:16pm
  damifortune liēkd this
The melody is definitely way to pretty to be screamed out by this poor chip that never intended to make music in the first place...
Level 32 Chipist
post #167956 :: 2023.02.26 4:18pm
  cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
i love everything about this.
i shld check how it sounds on hardware :3c
Level 31 Chipist
post #167957 :: 2023.02.26 4:36pm
  kleeder liēkd this
i'd love to hear it - i only didn't ask because i knew it would sound faster bc of PAL and didn't want that for the render specifically
Level 32 Chipist
post #168632 :: 2023.03.12 7:01am
  607 liēkd this
tried on hardware but it just generates a long endless tone. this new engine or the export doesnt seem to work on real hardware yet OR the differences of NTSC/PAL are actually important here OR its like with sleisza duo where u have to shift a single byte to something else, because the emulators are shitty and need different instructions than the actual hardware
Level 31 Chipist
post #168633 :: 2023.03.12 7:06am
  cabbage drop, 607 and kleeder liēkd this
mm interesting... that's disappointing, i hope we get some light shed on that at some point because i'd like to know if it can work on hardware before using quartet again

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