The melody is definitely way to pretty to be screamed out by this poor chip that never intended to make music in the first place...
made with Sleizsa QUARTET (!!) in the 0.2.0 alpha release of bintracker! i think this is the first botb entry to use these things! bintracker has a lot of promise, though presently it's both unstable and laggy, and i couldn't figure out how to make use of the additional features SleizsaQuartet offers (besides the 4th channel for notes obviously). i was able to make this though without too many issues!
interestingly there were some dropped notes, which at first i thought were related to note cuts (rests) in other channels applying globally to all channels, but not in all cases. the 2nd loop had some different dropped notes, so even though this render loops halfway through, the loop actually sounds kinda unique.