Level 22 Chipist
AY-3-8910 / YM2149

449th Σ4.130

485th Σ4.230

yum factor 
504th Σ4.115

622nd Σ3.583

candlelight in pants 
400th Σ4.317

A Shadow In The Night
  516th/712   Σ20.375   Dec 10th 2024 4:10pm
/!\ Don't venture to the park at midnight when it's snowing. /!\

Made with Renoise and Furnace 0.6.7, the .vgm file was rendered to MP3 using Benben 0.6.0.
Here is a link
to the Renoise and Furnace modules!

Sample sources
- Sisters voices by maurolupo (Freesound) on pixabay

- Sampled tracks
..... Nuclear Winter and past: entries I submitted on botb

+ additional raw data imports

EDIT: resubmit because I didn't set the stereo option in Furnace :o I'm uploading a new render too!

previous entry
ordinate - Boston

nextious entry
Unconventional - I bespoke your pardon
Level 31 Chipist
post #203745 :: 2024.12.11 10:21am
i am confused as to how you got the sample playback to work in the .vgm - never seen that work before in this format.

i'll have to play around more with this
Level 22 Chipist
post #203749 :: 2024.12.11 11:32am
  damifortune liēkd this
ah ah it's a bit like what you can do on the NES. I made a premixed track, then I played it as two long samples on Furnace (I used two samples with two channels for stereo, but you only need one channel if the premixed audio is monophonic). You'll also need to enable "direct stream mode" in the VGM export options.

Be careful with my Furnace module, I used panning effects but these doesn't seem to work. I think channel 1, 2 and 3 are hard panned to left, center, right. So I ended up mixing up two channels but I liked how it sounded so I didn't resubmit the entry again.

The playback seems a bit harsh on high frequencies but other than that, the chip is quite powerful for this as:
  • it can play very long samples, so no need to do split sampling like on the NES
  • I don't know how the samples are stored but I had no problem both regarding available RAM and the .vgm file size, maybe it's possible to do very long songs this way

I have no idea if this would play well on real hardware though...
Level 31 Chipist
post #203752 :: 2024.12.11 11:57am
  Opilion liēkd this
thank you so much for the explanation - i suspect "direct stream mode" might be the piece of the puzzle i was missing. it's very cool, i'll mess with it in the future!
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #206155 :: 2024.12.29 3:59am
  Opilion liēkd this
I was just listening to alec empire / DHR so this is fucking great
Level 27 Chipist
post #209305 :: 2025.01.21 6:14pm
  Opilion liēkd this
Very spooky, creative way of using the chip!
Level 19 Criticist
post #210256 :: 2025.02.02 11:19am
  Opilion liēkd this
that's one scary snowman

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