Level 28 Chipist
post #150494 ::
2021.12.30 10:01am :: edit 2021.12.30 10:38am
sean, doctorn0gloff and damifortune liēkd this
sean, doctorn0gloff and damifortune liēkd this
Well, this is unusual. A song that doesn't boot up under normal circumstances.
I caught the cause of this song failing to boot up. Echo writes were enabled when the ESA was $06 (and the SPC700 program itself was the cause), which happened to be where the start of the music data was located. This, in turn, overwrote the first four bytes of the song data, which can be fatal (and it was in this case because it executed NOPs).
Here's the repaired version.
I caught the cause of this song failing to boot up. Echo writes were enabled when the ESA was $06 (and the SPC700 program itself was the cause), which happened to be where the start of the music data was located. This, in turn, overwrote the first four bytes of the song data, which can be fatal (and it was in this case because it executed NOPs).
Here's the repaired version.