11 needles.spc
  15.017pnt penalty / 901sec late
  6th/6   Σ17.874   Dec 30th 2021 9:15am

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Level 28 Chipist
post #150494 :: 2021.12.30 10:01am :: edit 2021.12.30 10:38am
  sean, doctorn0gloff and damifortune liēkd this
Well, this is unusual. A song that doesn't boot up under normal circumstances.

I caught the cause of this song failing to boot up. Echo writes were enabled when the ESA was $06 (and the SPC700 program itself was the cause), which happened to be where the start of the music data was located. This, in turn, overwrote the first four bytes of the song data, which can be fatal (and it was in this case because it executed NOPs).

Here's the repaired version.
Level 31 Chipist
post #150496 :: 2021.12.30 10:29am
hey! i appreciate you looking into this, it was a strange 15 minutes troubleshooting the issue (which i thought was tied to the known "start note issue" with Doc's C700Microtunable fork)

Corell was talking about how the error you're describing might be tied to having a delay setting of 0ms, but i actually had the problem with other delay settings at first; the only reason there's 0ms of delay in my submission is that i forgot to re-enable it once i got sound working.

if you feel like examining this any further (it's fine if not, lol), does the same issue happen in this .spc, which is the same song but with a full 240ms of delay? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/239107754575265803/926178082249912430/c700song202112301320.spc
Level 28 Chipist
post #150509 :: 2021.12.30 5:50pm
  damifortune liēkd this
Nope! It doesn't happen there!

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