Cool mix of traditional Chinese and Indonesian sounds, all blended with your own unique style! I particularly like the combination of gong, strings, and percussion.
Zhōngguó-yìnní zhōngzhuǎn
China - Indonesia Transit
大家好。2024 年圣诞倒数日历里有 Renoise 真是太可爱了。去年我们就有一个!令人印象深刻的是,有人提交了锣鼓和安格隆的样本,这给了我制作这首曲子的灵感。我对此深表感谢。祝您听得开心。我可能会再做一首这样的曲子......
Hi everyone. It's so cute that Renoise is in the 2024 Christmas Advent Calendar. We had one last year! It's impressive that someone submitted a sample of the gong and angklung, which gave me the inspiration to make this piece. I'm very grateful for that. I hope you enjoy listening to it. I might make another piece like this...