Level 19 Mixist
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  32nd/36   Σ19.700   Jul 4th 2022 5:07pm
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Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #158068 :: 2022.07.09 5:08pm
  damifortune and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
I can see what you are going for and it's pretty much there, but I'd say the incongruity between the bass and main melodies and chords should be adjusted. Sounds like you went with diminished scale notes on the bass, which is kind of cool for the intro, but should probably support the major parts more. And that main lead sound you have is a bitty like a drill at the moment, might want to try something that's more smooth sounding. Nice work.
Level 31 Chipist
post #158252 :: 2022.07.13 6:41pm
  Lint_Huffer liēkd this
i think the bass + crisp percussion combo is strong - groove is there. i like the choice of notes for the bass too although i do agree that it ought to be doing some different stuff to accompany the melody (or vice versa)

kinda challenging since the melody is constantly harmonized in fifths/fourths which is not very easy to work with, harmonically

all in all i like it. it's atypical and quirky and carries a certain disregard for the specifics of its notes and their collisions that i myself enjoy subscribing to in my music sometimes. but there is room for growth if more conventional harmony is something you're interested in having at your fingertips

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