Hey! Welcome buddy!
Hello world!!! This looks like fun, so I figured I'd give it a try. : ) This is a fun song that goes from sad to happy. I put all of my effort into this song. I lost a few days of sleep desperately trying to make the deadline.
If you actually like this song, feel free to thank this guy: https://soundcloud.com/imaginary-chipmusic It's because of Imaginary that this song exists. He asked me to do a song for his Summer Soda Comp 2014 album https://iout.bandcamp.com/album/summer-soda-comp-2014 I came up with the melody, but I had no idea how to build it into a song. Then, I tried for his IOUT Open Mixtape 2015 album, but I started it way too late. Now, it's finally done, & here it is.
I guess this song got pretty repetitive towards the end. I'm not good with accompanying sounds. I never know what to do for them. I'm uneducated in music, so my compositions will be flawed. Regardless, I always try my best. As always, any c.c. is greatly appreciated.
I'll have the sav file up in a few days. This one is my greatest work yet. It became an unmanageable mess in the last day, so I still have to do code cleanup on it. I also need sleep...
Much love & respect to all. Thanks, & I hope you all like it!!! :D :D :D