dude the samples are cut short again, I don't understand why. I think it's something on your end, guys, like the sample is cut short in every DAW I have, even just listening to the wav file
post #190882 ::
2024.06.01 12:59pm Kalowe liēkd this
i think you're supposed to loop them in your daw, and they're just naturally short like that. it's probably something that's done by default in a tracker like openmpt tho, if i remember right
post #190884 ::
2024.06.01 1:02pm Kalowe liēkd this
most samplers should read embedded loop point data (which these have). you use FL, right? import them as Sampler channels on the channel rack instead of as audio clips onto the playlist
post #190890 ::
2024.06.01 1:33pm Kalowe liēkd this
if for some reason FL's Sampler doesn't loop them (it really should, but maybe you have disabled some sort of setting) you can try opening them in DirectWave instead