SiXG Sounds #2

2024-05-19 19:45:21

2024-05-19 21:22:22

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Level 10 Mixist
post #190103 :: 2024.05.19 7:02pm
really rookie question but how do i use the syxg50 vst in something like fl studio? i've never used midi before so i'd like to write it in a program i'm already familiar with. i can open and use the vst in the falcosoft midi player but i'm not sure how to open it in fl since it won't load as a plugin...
Level 31 Chipist
post #190106 :: 2024.05.19 7:18pm
@carb, it should load as a plugin! in addition to the vst, load up 16 "MIDI Out" plugins, assign them channels 1-16 and a port of your choosing, then in FL's settings for the vst, assign the vst the same "input port". you do all your writing with the MIDI Out channels - patch settings up top change the sound - and then the .mid export should open cleanly elsewhere
Level 28 Chipist
post #190107 :: 2024.05.19 7:19pm :: edit 2024.05.19 7:39pm
I believe its a vst. The lyceum page for the format sorta explains it but I unfortunately don't use syxg50 or FL for the format

(lol how did my comment post after dami's)
Level 28 Chipist
post #190109 :: 2024.05.19 7:48pm
The RNG has selected several numbers.
They correspond to patch numbers and bank numbers for XG instruments and are as follows:

027 (Bank 018) MelloGtr

084 (Bank 064) Rubby

043 Cello

013 (Bank 001) MarimbaK

099 (Bank 072) Gamelmba

030 (Bank 043) Gt.Pinch

Using ONLY these instruments on channels 1 - 6 respectively, write a song.
You must use ALL of these instruments
You may also use any CHANNEL 10 DRUMS of your choice, if you wish

I have included a MIDI file with the values of these instruments that should hopefully work in your DAW, just check that the patches correspond!!
Level 10 Mixist
post #190112 :: 2024.05.19 8:47pm
shit, i couldn't figure out whether it should be in midi or mp3 with 40s left on the clock and put it in the wrong format. kinda hope i can add that later for posterity, although i probably screwed up something else in there
Level 31 Chipist
post #190116 :: 2024.05.19 8:58pm :: edit 2024.05.19 8:58pm
it is possible to resubmit with the "submit late" tab (up to a half hour late)!! but yes unfortunately it had to be .mid sorry
Level 10 Mixist
post #190119 :: 2024.05.19 9:08pm
  damifortune liēkd this
omg you're a lifesaver!! i think that midi might still be a little weird (i'm not sure the 3rd channel is audible) but it's way better than my stupid mp3
Level 28 Chipist
post #190120 :: 2024.05.19 9:11pm
  damifortune liēkd this
I submitted mp3 to my first midi battle, it happens. Resub will punish your score but you will have Done Right and that is more worth than Online Song Game points

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