seriously this heat is aaaaaeeee ugh

2022-06-26 10:19:12

2022-06-26 11:50:20

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Level 28 Mixist
post #157744 :: 2022.06.27 8:33am :: edit 2022.06.27 8:45am
  kleeder liēkd this
i also now find myself temporarily in central europe during this crazy heatwave. >30 degrees is too much, it's like stepping straight into a dutch oven x.x

please thunderstorms do your work and put an end to this :(

e: keep in mind i'm used to 16-17 degree gray rainy weather. i'm basically staying indoors 95% of the time and drinking all the water ever. though i thought it was going to be a lot worse i'll be honest
Level 31 Chipist
post #157745 :: 2022.06.27 8:51am
  argarak liēkd this
i have a headache.
Level 28 Mixist
post #157746 :: 2022.06.27 9:04am
  kleeder liēkd this
it sucks. and i couldn't say no to visiting in the middle of a heatwave because it's family stuff and i would feel worse disappointing them. just gotta make the most of it. heat makes me feel sub-optimal to say the least... we're in weather pain solidarity

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