Match Mayhem

2022-04-08 12:00:00

2022-05-21 13:00:00

38 Entries

Info & Rules
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38 Entries
Battle Host
Lvl 29  
from Aether09:
"This is an addicting and wacky genre; It would be fun to make stage themes imo <3"
Voting Categories
  • Colorful • Combo-Nation • Pumped Up • Overwhelmed • Match in Pants
  • All registered users of BotB may vote.
  • All tunes will be rendered to MP3 for voting accessibility.
  • No covers allowed, only original works.
  • Entries that have been previously publicly released are not allowed.
  • While generative processes are permitted if designed by the entrant, they should never be used as a substitute for putting real human effort into your entries on BotB.
Questions and Contact
  • For direct communication join us on IRC!! #botb       :D/

Let your hair down - Anything remotely chip and/or fakebit! =D/
Explain instrumentation in the description.  :: read lyceum article

Maximum File Size :: 12.5mb

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