ich bin ein großer fan von muggeltechnologie

2021-08-26 05:35:37

2021-08-26 06:44:19

1 Entries

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Σ30.000    1st/1    Aug 26 '21
Big Bang.mp3
TrippleP + kleeder + Public Toilet  
  Human Voice

must feature original recordings of the human voice  :: read lyceum article

Maximum File Size :: 12.5mb

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  • XHB submissions are anonymous until results are public.
  • You must follow the bitpack.
  • Do not submit boonsave entries.
  • Arguing with admins about these rules will get you an ailment and/or banned.
  • All registered users of BotB may vote.
  • All tunes will be rendered to MP3 for voting accessibility.
  • No covers allowed, only original works.
  • Entries that have been previously publicly released are not allowed.
  • While generative processes are permitted if designed by the entrant, they should never be used as a substitute for putting real human effort into your entries on BotB.
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