gbmod ohb

2020-08-09 09:22:10

2020-08-09 11:33:25

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Level 22 Chipist
post #124952 :: 2020.08.08 8:24pm :: edit 2020.08.08 8:27pm
  Yung Gotenks and Jakerson liēkd this
OK, so this OHB is for a new Game Boy music tool I've been working on that will allow for conversion of a FastTracker 2 .XM module to play on a Game Boy. There are still plenty of bugs to work out at this point so converted modules may not be played back 100% accurately. Some effects, while technically supported, are currently very buggy, so I have decided not to allow them for this OHB. More specific requirements are available in the bitpack.

Note that Python 3 is required as part of the conversion process, if you don't have it installed already you can get it here

You'll also need a tracker that supports saving .XM modules, such as MilkyTracker, OpenMPT, or FastTracker 2.

sorry for the massive wall of text
Level 27 Chipist
Yung Gotenks
post #124965 :: 2020.08.09 4:29am
  DevEd liēkd this
this sounds really cool! looking forward to seeing how they turn out on the game boy.
Level 19 Chipist
post #124976 :: 2020.08.09 9:17am
I really wanted to try this but it turns out I didn't have time to learn milkytracker from scratch this morning! :P
Level 22 Chipist
post #124978 :: 2020.08.09 10:48am
Small note: If you're on Windows, make sure you're using cmd.exe and not PowerShell.
Level 29 Chipist
post #153975 :: 2022.03.23 10:46am
only now i saw this battle and bitpack - the script works here on gnu/linux (perhaps will be useful on battle #2? - i used dd because i think the rom should be multiple of 16kb for running on mame/mess and some other emulators )

dd bs=$((0x8000)) count=1 if=/dev/zero of=_dummy.bin
python3 music.xm music.bin
cat player.bin music.bin _dummy.bin > music.gb_
dd ibs=1 count=$((0x8000)) skip=$((0x0000)) if=music.gb_
rm music.gb_ _dummy.bin

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