Battle of the Bits is Seven Years Old
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #18839 :: 2012.05.11 1:03pm :: edit 2012.05.11 1:04pm
  anewuser, HertzDevil, xterm, marphff and zanzan liēkd this
It's hard for me to believe, but seven years ago today I launched BotB publicly on teh interwebs. It wasn't much then, just enough to get the ball rolling on Detroit I with user signup and sample uploads. The rest of what was needed to finish the battle was rolled out just in time. Thanks to the wayback machine you can see it as it was way back then right here! ...or see how it looked the following December when it fully hosted battles here.

Yesh! Happy Burfday BotB!!! :D
Level 31 Chipist
post #18840 :: 2012.05.11 1:08pm
  Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
Oh my dear, I had never actually seen these early variants of the site!
Happy Bday! =OO
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #18841 :: 2012.05.11 3:17pm
  Soiled Bargains liēkd this
web 0.5
Level 16 OHCist
Soiled Bargains
post #18844 :: 2012.05.11 5:50pm :: edit 2012.05.11 5:59pm
Cool, BotB's seven.

Vote 7!! /not really a joke

EDIT: Wow, that site is old. I remember on being on BotB 1.0 a lot in 2008. I used it for the FamiTracker documentation that's here. Apparently, I never realized/thought of using the HTML help file that continues to be included in every single version, hah.
Level 25 Chipist
post #18845 :: 2012.05.11 7:08pm
On one hand it's so cool to see the beginnings, and on the other... it's pretty true to its original design! I'm glad to be a part of it
Level 11 Criticist
post #18849 :: 2012.05.12 8:07am
Happy birthday BOTB - jood jorb!
Level 28 Chipist
post #18855 :: 2012.05.13 7:55pm
7 years already?...... all n00bs!!!...
Level 24 Chipist
post #18856 :: 2012.05.13 9:32pm
  puke7 liēkd this
Happy 7th birthday, BotB!

Let's make it to 70 years, OK?
Level 26 Mixist
post #18858 :: 2012.05.14 12:45am
  kleeder and anewuser liēkd this
I turned in my track at the playback party. I don't think I actually registered on the site until a bit later when I moved to Portland and couldn't just drive to Pukes house at the last possible second and hand him a toasty warm burned CD-R :)

From a few years later:

Battle of the Bits got a facelift!
Your user account needs one too!! Q___Q
But no worries!! =D
It will be painless... D=
all n00bz kthnxbai
Level 23 Mixist
post #18933 :: 2012.06.16 6:54pm
The original site looks a lot like the Acid 1 test.


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