2022-01-07 17:59:59

2022-01-07 19:24:41

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Level 31 Chipist
post #150673 :: 2022.01.05 7:52pm
  plus, sulkaritari, kilowatt64 and kleeder liēkd this
we're back for the new year, babey (went on hiatus for advent calendar if that wasn't clear) - probably Fridays 9PM EST (6PM BotB time/PST) for now, an hour earlier than i used to do

if i may wax poetic for just a moment, thank y'all so much for doing these every week.

between the main series, reruns, and .spc spinoffs, this is the 57th YEA VIDEOGAME battle, a series that i started on a wild lark in October 2020 that's ultimately sorta become the thing i'm most known for here? wild

i'm glad the idea resonated and that people are having fun and making awesome tunes. appreciate you all sticking with me!

the series marches forward in 2022! more remix, more spc! if you have a game recommendation for a bitpack, lay it on me - there is a queue but it's not at all set in stone, requests will appear in the coming months : )
Level 27 Chipist
post #150681 :: 2022.01.06 9:14am
  plus and damifortune liēkd this
would love to hear a Secret of Evermore spc bitpack if you haven't already done one.

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