μAcousmatix I: Ex Nihilo

2021-07-22 15:00:29

2021-07-22 16:15:42

3 Entries

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Lvl 19  
Level 19 Pedagogist
post #144484 :: 2021.07.21 3:49pm :: edit 2021.07.22 2:39pm
  nitrofurano, OminPigeonMaster and argarak liēkd this
In μAcousmatix battles, you mayn't use samples in ways where said samples are readily identifiable as their acoustic or electronic source. Instead, you must create new and novel textures!

Usually, though not exclusively, this entails samples being chopped to <100ms in length, and perhaps even shorter for percussive sources. If I hear a single bona fide snare in your submission, I'm going to be unhappy, so get hacking!

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