emote battle

2021-02-24 09:49:02

2021-02-24 11:07:07

7 Entries

Main Screen
Level 14 Chipist
post #137176 :: 2021.02.24 8:34am
  Grimkin, argarak, qrqrqr0515_1, damifortune, hanna and OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
Our Studios, CEO, and Crew Apologize For The Incident, and This Battle, In Advance. The Forces Or Emote Have Descended Upon Us; Many Are Unaware Of The Following. This Must Be Amended Immediately; This Battle Repsresents Not Only Emotes, What They Mean To You, What They Do In A Given Situation, and What They Truly Represent To Society. Our Team Members Are Working Around The Clock To Come Up With Emote Solutions for Our Corporate Endeavors.

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