xenharmonic pogfest: mav7

2021-02-09 16:34:35

2021-02-09 18:00:37

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Level 20 Chipist
post #136236 :: 2021.02.09 2:11am
  qrqrqr0515_1, numbers, Jakerson, mirageofher, damifortune and tael liēkd this
Level 4 Mixist
post #136261 :: 2021.02.09 5:38pm
  2a03fox, dotmid and qrqrqr0515_1 liēkd this
I had issues setting up my tuning a bunch due to being unprepared w/ using microtonal stuff for a while (my own fault) so I ended up using two keys and making dissonant noodles LOL. lots of fun, though; thanks for setting this up!!!
Level 13 XHBist
post #136263 :: 2021.02.09 5:46pm :: edit 2021.02.09 5:48pm
  2a03fox and qrqrqr0515_1 liēkd this
I'd appreciate if someone could point me towards a (preferably free) sampler that can be tuned with scl files and used in FL studio. In the past when I've made microtonal music I've used xenfont, which is a soundfont player tuned with midi files. I think I got the mav7 scl file to work with xenfont 2 for tuning (I heard an octave 7 notes apart) but as far as I know, it can only play sf2 files and not wav files. I downloaded "simple microtonal sampler" but it is also tuned with midi files. Went to Sevish's site and downloaded his tuning pack. It had mavila tunings, but not mavila 7. Couldn't find a mav7 midi. Downloaded a demo version of Zynfusion but I don't think it has a sampler either, though when I was trying to find it I was still hoping I'd be able to get something made so I could've overlooked it. If no one wants to help me I'm sure I can figure it out by the time the next one of these rolls around.
(I also tried "samplv1", which seemed promising, but it didn't show up in my vst list and I know I had it in the vst folder.)
Level 4 Mixist
post #136264 :: 2021.02.09 5:48pm
  2a03fox and qrqrqr0515_1 liēkd this
@dotmid you can convert scala files to .tun on this site. gotta check the key of the scala file first, though

Level 13 XHBist
post #136266 :: 2021.02.09 5:51pm :: edit 2021.02.09 5:54pm
  qrqrqr0515_1 and 2a03fox liēkd this
@ribbonripple that will come in handy if I find a free sampler compatible with .tun. Everything I've tried so far uses "MST" which I suspect is just "midi tuning standard" because when I open the folder it's just a bunch of midis.
Wrong letter order. That's definitely not what it stands for.
Actually looking at it, it says MTS so maybe it is what it stands for.
Level 20 Chipist
post #136267 :: 2021.02.09 5:53pm
  dotmid and qrqrqr0515_1 liēkd this
@dotmid try sforzando for free samplerr
Level 13 XHBist
post #136268 :: 2021.02.09 6:01pm
  2a03fox and qrqrqr0515_1 liēkd this
@2a03fox I'll give it a try. When it says "limited to 12 note scales" is that only referring to the mapping on the keyboard, i.e within sforzando I couldn't map a 7 note scale like this one to the white keys only, but I could still use the scale? When I was looking through this big list full of things like discontinued plugins and 300 dollar samplers I thought it meant I could only use twelve-note scales with unequal intervals and that things like 19tet wouldn't work, so I didn't try sfzorando yet.
Level 20 Chipist
post #136269 :: 2021.02.09 6:04pm
  dotmid and qrqrqr0515_1 liēkd this
@dotmid from the discussion we got at the discord, the wiki is wrong. i'm pretty sure new versions of sforz allow different mappings
Level 13 XHBist
post #136270 :: 2021.02.09 6:06pm
  qrqrqr0515_1 and 2a03fox liēkd this
Oh okay, nice. Thanks for the help.

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