
2020-11-20 15:24:36

2020-11-20 16:45:09

6 Entries

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Level 22 Mixist
Public Toilet
post #131036 :: 2020.11.20 7:57am
  sean, CastleNes, Jakerson, amelia, mirageofher, argarak, kleeder and telebasher liēkd this
i realize the format choice is ironic because kleeder doesn't do allgear much
Level 22 Mixist
Public Toilet
post #131037 :: 2020.11.20 8:45am :: edit 2020.11.20 10:13am
  sean and kleeder liēkd this
note: this is not in the bitpack so it is not required, but if you have the desire for creative limitation on format, you can use nsf. sid. or ted. also defining features of kleeder music for those unfamiliar are minor key focus, arps, brieftly shifting root position minor triad chromatically, using 1st inversion of major dominant chord to go back to minor root chord (for example in the key of c minor: B D G to C Eb G) . also melodic minor scale.
Level 28 Mixist
post #131043 :: 2020.11.20 9:27am
  sean liēkd this
i have no idea what any of that mean but ok
Level 31 Chipist
post #131044 :: 2020.11.20 9:31am
  TristEndo, sean, Osplm and ronaldinhoSoccer liēkd this
also swing, also kick and/or snare with retrigger effect, also the same fucking melody resolve in every song.

thx public toilet for a description of my composition techniques in a language i dont even understand (i can just tell what it means from the context of looking at my own music) :D
Level 21 Chipist
post #131055 :: 2020.11.20 1:55pm
  sean and mirageofher liēkd this
I'm not sure I understand kleederkore
Level 14 Chipist
post #131075 :: 2020.11.20 6:31pm :: edit 2020.11.22 10:40am
  tennisers liēkd this
This was my entry for kleed-er-core i never sumbitted- (link removed) here is a random song which may by no means be considered kleedercore -

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