Modular Madness

2020-10-13 19:20:37

2020-11-29 13:15:00

18 Entries

14 BotBrs

2 Formats

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18 Entries
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Lvl 29  
Level 29 Hostist
post #128379 :: 2020.10.13 7:30pm
  Strobe and Jakerson liēkd this
Uh... so I don't know how to explain this to someone who doesn't already know what a modular synth is. ...uh .... not sure how helpful this video is xD

I'm pretty sure some people are going to submit whatever they want to the allgear format BUT PLEASE DON'T! :D

Also I need vorting categories!
Level 21 Criticist
post #128380 :: 2020.10.13 8:27pm :: edit 2020.10.13 8:32pm
  Modus Ponens, Strobe and tennisers liēkd this

Route In Pants
Level 30 Mixist
post #128382 :: 2020.10.13 8:57pm :: edit 2020.10.13 9:09pm
Level 31 Chipist
post #128386 :: 2020.10.14 2:32am
  YQN and Osplm liēkd this
Question: Effects stacking and such, mixing etc, I would guess that is allowed?
Level 8 XHBist
post #128387 :: 2020.10.14 2:50am
  YQN liēkd this
can i use other instruments as well? i have a monologue and a volca beats which i like to use in combination with my modular so i'd love to use those!
Level 32 Chipist
post #128388 :: 2020.10.14 3:25am
  Xyz, Jakerson and puke7 liēkd this
the cover art is great btw
Level 31 Chipist
post #128389 :: 2020.10.14 3:57am
  Osplm and now_its_dark liēkd this
I would assume that the synth is only modular, else it would just be another typical allgear compo. but I'm still not sure about if you are allowed to have an effect setup.
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #128400 :: 2020.10.14 9:30am
  YQN and blunderspublik liēkd this
Bleep Bloops
Wet Farts
Wallet Out Of Pants
Level 29 Hostist
post #128405 :: 2020.10.14 10:18am
I don't want to declare a bunch of dumb rules about what is allowed and what is not. I just don't want people doing whatever they feel like in a daw. So, in my head, I came up with a general rule of thumb:

If you can figure out how to do it in VCV rack then it is allowed.

Saying you can only use loopy sequencers isn't right (someone cries nerdseq or similar). Saying you have to make a generative experience isn't right (what about them loopy sequencers?). Saying you can't use whatever synth or drum machine gets into a gray area (especially since sampler modules are a thing). I own several mixer modules, but limited effects. But the thing about modular is you can patch whatever you want into whatever you want (tho I wouldn't recommend directly patching eurorack level audio into traditional instrument gear [YOU MIGHT RELEASE THE MAGIC SMOKE!!]).
Level 8 Chipist
post #128407 :: 2020.10.14 10:36am :: edit 2020.10.14 10:39am
  puke7 liēkd this
If you have a way to introduce external gear into your modular system (VCV or physical), the only limitation I'd hold is that signal must terminate in the final mix the same as everything else within the modular ecosystem.

For example: I could patch my Gameboy with LSDJ into my modular system with a preamp and then it goes through the a delay module in my rack and ends at the mixer module with my drum modules and droning VCO module that are also in the mix.
Level 28 Mixist
post #128413 :: 2020.10.14 11:36am
  argarak liēkd this
quick question: is there a community consensus on whether or not VCV rack patches should be self-playing?

i.e. should VCV rack patches that require manual input to perform be submitted to VCV rack or allgear?
Level 32 Chipist
post #128414 :: 2020.10.14 11:43am
i saw both. i think its fine if u share a "how2setup" in the description(?)
Level 28 Mixist
post #128418 :: 2020.10.14 12:35pm
  puke7 liēkd this
yeah this is an important question, though from what I remember most of the vcv rack major entries were self-playing and I try to stick to self-playing entries when submitting to vcvrack format mostly so that people can play it back fine. but some of my allgear stuff is vcv rack + manual input.

imo since vcvrack format entries are .vcv, playback is important so I'd say that self-playing entries would be necessary here. but because allgear will also feature actual hardware modular stuff, and tweaking is generally a part of a lot of hardware modular recordings, then I'd say that tweaking should be acceptable in vcv rack for the allgear format (and also because the only playback option you have is mp3).
Level 21 Criticist
post #128419 :: 2020.10.14 1:16pm :: edit 2020.10.14 1:18pm
  YQN and puke7 liēkd this
I would've used MAGIC SMOKE as one of the voting cats but I didn't think that meme was that widely known.

imo effect pedals are just external modules
Level 32 Chipist
post #128421 :: 2020.10.14 3:24pm
i remember this entry ->

pumpuli: "The mp3 is a near 10min recording of me twiddling a couple knobs, with the beginning fade-in being just raising the mixer volumes and whatnot."

and noone complained, it even won the gold.

but yea whatever, selfplaying might still be better
Level 29 Hostist
post #128423 :: 2020.10.14 4:18pm
  kleeder liēkd this
I personally would prefer it if, like argarak said, the vcv rack entries are self-playing and think the allgear entries could be whatever. It's really cool to open someone else's vcv entry and try to reverse engineer / understand how they got there.
Level 30 Mixist
post #128427 :: 2020.10.14 8:17pm :: edit 2020.10.15 8:19am
[This n00b ashamed of what written. - BotB]
Level 28 Mixist
post #128438 :: 2020.10.15 7:02am
  kleeder liēkd this
on VCV entries being self-playing, I've previously submitted entries that are self-playing after some manual input after loading the file. Some vcv modules don't remember all their settings or don't allow triggers to be sent into them easily, so it's easier to just write a initial setup-guide into the description of the entry.

Also, when voting vcv entries I've usually ended up fiddling around with knobs and stuff to see what the patch can do anyhow, provided I can easily follow the signal paths and understand the patch.

Self-playing stuff is the main focus imo, but modular synthesis is inherently hands-on and malleable even when you're handed a patch by someone else.

On allgear stuff, I feel like the 'whatever you can do in VCV is ok', be it done with actual modular or VCV itself.
Level 21 Criticist
post #128440 :: 2020.10.15 8:57am
I appreciate that approach, also in relation to spring chip where you get to get your hands dirty and play with the modules to see what makes 'em tick. That does play a part in an entries vote: the module itself.
Level 14 Chipist
post #128447 :: 2020.10.15 12:47pm :: edit 2020.10.18 6:36am
  Xaser and YQN liēkd this
Alrite, to the Soldering iron bench, who wants to hear, the hear all playlist in 3 weeks lol

Watch out kleeder n strobe are working on bailing hay to pay for a jk flip flop circuit module

I myself am planning on ordering some modules from

check out all these circuits on their catalog
Level 16 Mixist
post #128598 :: 2020.10.18 5:43pm
question: i don't use vcvrack, but i have a modular synth vst called Voltage- is it fine to use that and submit to the allgear category?
Level 12 Chipist
post #128946 :: 2020.10.23 5:21pm :: edit 2020.10.23 5:31pm
Are we allow to use a virtual style module synthesizer like DS-10 series?

I use the DSN-12.

its 12 virtual ms-10 synthesizers with 12 virtual kaoss pads, and a pattern bank mixer for live play.

Or even better I can use korg gadget switch that allows me to show 4 ms-10 style synths on the screen. I can control the knob and wires with motion controls.
Level 30 Mixist
post #128954 :: 2020.10.23 9:47pm
  sasami liēkd this
voltage modular standalone program has the exact same workflow as vcv rack. korg ds stuff is further off but you could probably do something similar in vcv rack.
Level 16 Mixist
post #128956 :: 2020.10.23 11:04pm
well guess there goes my excuse to not learn vcvrack :p
Level 4 Mixist
post #129163 :: 2020.10.26 12:07pm :: edit 2020.10.26 2:28pm
  YQN liēkd this
i wanna try making as modular as a performace can be using one synth and a pocket operator along with guitar pedals, can i do that?

the two synths would be synced using patch cables
Level 24 Chipist
post #129489 :: 2020.10.29 11:11am
  puke7 liēkd this
@xenorocket you can do whatever you want, but be advised that voters will vote however they please and admins tend to behave how they see fit.
Level 14 Chipist
post #129573 :: 2020.10.30 11:28am :: edit 2020.10.30 11:30am
  kleeder liēkd this
i'm gonna sit this one out until next year its so cold out now my closest friends with gear like that are in the city and i don't wanna go walk around down in th ecity. Now this make s me want to do that lol. Those links to the mfos-gear tho are good that i posted... i really want to try build somthing using thos circuit kits like a cv keyboard controller and a couple oscillators, and a filter that would be nice
Level 12 Mixist
post #130074 :: 2020.11.06 6:46pm
  Xyz liēkd this
"Wallet out of Pants" hahahaha
Level 24 Chipist
post #130127 :: 2020.11.07 9:45am
  blunderspublik liēkd this
here are my Voting Category suggestions:

rack of hearts
neuronal connection
voltage control
out in pants (coz can't afford synth + clothes)
Level 12 Mixist
post #130160 :: 2020.11.07 5:53pm
  YQN liēkd this
rack rash

voltage control

banana cabling


1/8" in pants
Level 30 Chipist
post #130184 :: 2020.11.08 8:58am
hmmm have we time for extendong or nay to extenderino?
Level 17 Playa
post #130204 :: 2020.11.08 1:43pm :: edit 2020.11.14 2:01pm
  Osplm liēkd this
thank you for the extension, had a rough week, but hopefully I can record something after all?!

Current draw
No. of modules
Mutable Instruments Pants

Y'know, I'm not feeling it this time and I'm unsure about uploading old stuff, so I think I'm gonna pass.
Level 14 Chipist
post #130666 :: 2020.11.16 2:29am :: edit 2020.11.16 12:58pm
  YQN liēkd this
Avatarcore, #botbcore, #grumskikore

Some good modular soldering tips are to ground everything together that is battery powered and ground everything together that is adapter powered by grounding the units together that is when they interact

Lead free solder is good for everything but space travel. So literally you have to remember that lead free solder doesnt always hold up in space. It branches little threads out of its solder joits snd malfunctions

Euclectic solder remains a natural choice for space travel

Synthesis and smt of course lead-free pace station is the way to go. Pc computers are modular in nature and when they are equpped as midi controllers one best comply
Level 21 Criticist
post #131548 :: 2020.11.29 1:48am
  kleeder liēkd this
The best part about this battle is everyone who shared pics of their set ups.

The worst part about this battle is how much better the virtual entries sound probably because they can afford to sound better $$$
Level 32 Chipist
post #131579 :: 2020.11.29 3:04pm
  mirageofher and argarak liēkd this
Average Score: 24.661
Level 29 Chipist
post #131581 :: 2020.11.29 4:32pm
@kleeder talking about score, how can we find the worst score ever here at botb? was it from me?
Level 24 Chipist
post #131812 :: 2020.12.02 6:06pm
@nitro, with penalties scores can be negative, so there's no chance you made the worst score (yet) the key is to submit late, don't give up!
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #133443 :: 2020.12.27 9:53am
  Baron Knoxburry, argarak and kleeder liēkd this
ah, blinking lights and spending money. dont forget the reason for teh season!

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