Resubmitting entry wiped comments.
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 14 Mixist
post #95397 :: 2018.02.05 10:27am
  tothejazz, Savestate, Dimeback, Quirby64, Flalcon, Robyn, MiDoRi and puke7 liēkd this
I feel this is a bug because;
1.) I resubmitted 2 tracks to Winter Chip, and only one of them wiped its comment section, the other preserved it just fine.
and 2.) The one that wiped its comments section (come back in for cocoa) preserved other data such as its favorites.

Thanks for consideration.
Level 22 Playa
post #95468 :: 2018.02.06 5:45pm
Yeah, to my recollection that historically did not clear comments. Probably some other error...
Level 14 Mixist
post #95477 :: 2018.02.07 12:53am
I have a feeling it might be what happens if you resubmit twice in too short of a time span.

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