Moving Forward
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #9010 :: 2008.06.05 1:29pm :: edit 2008.06.05 1:56pm
As Detroit IV comes to a close I just wanted to thank you all for being here, being a community. You all are so much community I had to make a avatar page to ogle over BotB's first community meme. Lool goggles. :p

I've also developed a valid & working RSS feed for all your aggregators are belung to goggle. When BotB started all of our news was sent out via email. Now, with our current webhost, we have a cap on the mail() function. =X So I made a crappy free poll to find out how you BotB community BotBrs want to receive your BotB updates.

More good news... I finally understand what I need to do in order for BotBrs to help develop BotB. I'm not sure how long it will take. At least there is some direction. :D There is a lot of programming power here and it would be silly to squander it.
Level 14 Mixist
post #9011 :: 2008.06.05 8:14pm
u must nevar squander goggle power!
Level 12 Mixist
post #9012 :: 2008.06.05 9:34pm
I guess this is the right thread for this: Thank you b-knox once again...Congrats to TL for his super dope song...and Im so happy I got 7th, I feel real good about that and cant wait to do it again. And waddup to bleedmaster, cuz I dont get to see you too much. =) And just for the record, I gave Chuckypatch a 7.
Level 16 Mixist
post #9013 :: 2008.06.05 9:45pm
word life, jinx, word life.
Level 24 Chipist
post #9014 :: 2008.06.06 12:55am
RSS feeds are cute and all, but I'd say keep the e-mail notification shit for thee n00brz.
Wtf is with your hoster anyway?!?!
Level 31 Chipist
post #9015 :: 2008.06.06 1:29am
;DDDDD the goggles make uncle strobe giggle
Level 15 Criticist
post #9016 :: 2008.06.06 5:24am
Wow... strobe liked B so much.. he went and had plastic surgery... and I guess he was jealous of xamius too... which is understandable...

But back to the topic... Thanks B! Great job. I voted in the poll and wrote a book in the comment section in true Lilly fashion. :)
Level 17 Mixist
post #9017 :: 2008.06.06 7:09am
yus! I think I am wearing the wrong goggles. :(

that compo was awesome! two tin ccannz huzzah!
Level 23 Renderist
post #9018 :: 2008.06.07 8:47am
:D nice googles, people.

rss feeds for me!
Level 23 Samplist
post #9019 :: 2008.06.07 10:06am
maybe this fits with this thread... maybe it doesn't... but i keep thinking about doing a NASA re-mix contest. NASA is completely open source; audio/video. whatcha all think.

ps- my car got stolen the night of BotB p->bk. now that's Detroit luv
Level 19 Samplist
SBX 8000
post #9020 :: 2008.06.07 10:30am
CAR = D:
Level 29 Hostist
post #9021 :: 2008.06.07 11:50am
holy shit blank -- where were you parked!??!
Level 12 Mixist
post #9022 :: 2008.06.07 11:51am
I had to come back real quick to thank everybody who put in time and effort into botb, to make it what it is today...its really amazing what were doing here and Im always gonna play. Peacey!
Level 23 Samplist
post #9023 :: 2008.06.08 5:25am
I parked at my house... in fact all three cars that have been stolen from me have all been taken by my house. but update-wise... a tow truck company already found it and impounded it.

you see, the last time i drove (tues i think) I almost ran out of gas on the way back home. So whoever stole it ran out gas within 2 miles of my house. Ha ha ha... fuck you car thief!

A car whisperer says the car should be fine, just a broken window
Level 23 Renderist
post #9024 :: 2008.06.08 9:09am
blank loloolol that's some luck xD (no, really!)

damn, 3 cars stolen? wtf. Upgrade your security stuff ;(
Level 8 Mixist
post #9025 :: 2008.06.08 9:21am
I love the NASA idea.
Level 16 Mixist
post #9026 :: 2008.06.08 12:00pm
i had an idea, i dont know if its a dumb idea but i was thinking, what if we had like, botb challenge matches where we can call out another botb member to a challenge one on one remix style. you know like a blank vs. jinxone (as an example) or a xaimus vs. strobe death match (stuff like that) and you can elaborate on different rules as far as where you get the samples from (unless it be a chip challenge) or how long you do it, maybe you can have variable rules that the two botb have to agree on or something like that. im sure there are alot of way to go on this if you use your imagination. anyway, maybe that's not appealing to anybody, but i've had that idea for a while now and i thought i'd get it out there.
Level 29 Hostist
post #9027 :: 2008.06.08 7:53pm
bleedmaster, if you hung out on the IRC regularly you would see Strobe teasing me for not implementing 'Duels' yet! :P
Level 16 Mixist
post #9028 :: 2008.06.08 8:32pm
WE SHOULD HAVE DUELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

does anyone agree? we should have a vote ... or something ...
or do you not want them puke? i did notice you said "yet!" ... does that mean we will? please tell me we're going to have them... i think that would make this site go from mega awesome to mega super fucking awesome 9000 ... strobe is right, i mean he's got like 4 zillion points that's gotta count for something. if anybody agrees with me please speak up. botb duels would be awesome.
Level 12 Mixist
post #9029 :: 2008.06.09 12:23am
Im down for some battles....sign me up.
Level 20 Mixist
post #9030 :: 2008.06.09 4:41am
yeah i'm in favor of battle mode.

i can't wait for the anewuser/ui battle-a-thon
Level 15 Criticist
post #9031 :: 2008.06.09 7:52am :: edit 2008.06.09 7:53am
damn captainmarmalade... you sure do look a lot like me lately... i knew you loved and worshipped me... but plastic surgery? i understand though... i am pretty fabulous :)

Like B said... if you all would ever show your faces around irc... you would know that this idea has been kicked around more then we kick strobe... so come back!
Level 19 Samplist
SBX 8000
post #9032 :: 2008.06.09 11:13am
some girls look better in space =D
Level 15 Criticist
post #9033 :: 2008.06.09 3:55pm
oh really?!
Level 19 Samplist
SBX 8000
post #9034 :: 2008.06.09 6:35pm
and some girls look just as good next to a pulsating brick wall! thats right :)
Level 31 Chipist
post #9035 :: 2008.06.10 2:12am

too many lillies!!!! =(((
Level 23 Samplist
post #9036 :: 2008.06.14 7:40am
just did a super quick check of the NASA site for audio

looks like there mucho mucho sondido (much much sound)

it's not that well organized. appears like every mission is sub-divided and most have high quality sound, ripe for sampling.

if we all spent an hour combing through NASA i think we could get some gems
Level 20 Mixist
post #9037 :: 2008.06.14 3:09pm
blank! i've told them bout that on teh channel years ago. there's teh "houston, we have a problem.." thing and many other cute things! and they said everybody are tired of nasa sounds, and they said it's stupid, and they were lauhing at teh pony! like goombas! wyawyawya! teh stupid goombas!
Level 19 Samplist
SBX 8000
post #9038 :: 2008.06.14 11:32pm
i think its a great idea
Level 27 Renderist
post #9039 :: 2008.06.16 5:10am

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