
2015-10-27 18:41:06

2015-10-27 20:29:29

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Level 23 Mixist
post #60742 :: 2015.10.27 6:43pm :: edit 2015.10.27 6:59pm
If you are confused, just do this:

Any downward motion in your melody must be made of either:
1:an indefinite amount of half-steps
2:whole-step followed by a major-third upward
3:a fourth followed by a whole step

Any upward motion in your melody must only be major thirds.

You can restart the lick from any interval that isn't any of the above after any cadence point, or after doing a downward "fourth followed by a whole step."
Level 30 Mixist
post #60744 :: 2015.10.27 10:56pm :: edit 2015.10.27 10:57pm
  noodlebuckets liēkd this
I'm so sorry I missed this!

I very much enjoy arcane Nudl Boket compos :)

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