Cabbage rolls! Cabbage rolls!

2015-03-23 21:08:46

2015-03-23 22:19:04

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Level 25 Chipist
post #55241 :: 2015.03.23 9:09pm
Bitpack dreamed up by Ryaan2000. Thank you!
Level 22 Mixist
post #55249 :: 2015.03.24 12:23am
  n00b liēkd this
My inspiration for the challenge was an article I once read about a composer who, in appreciation for a party hostess, sent her a letter spelling out BEEF and CABBAGE in musical notes when he could not recall the menu. Several sources say he wrote her a song but I found the original article where it was mentioned and it that says he just wrote a letter. I had to go back and see who it was and it ended up being Irish composer John Field (1782-1837). Wikipedia doesn't mention it at all so it's kind of a mystery if he ever did this, but I always thought it was neat you could use musical notation to spell out those words.
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #55250 :: 2015.03.24 12:33am
  n00b liēkd this
Didn't Bach put his own name in a lot of his works? I can't remember how it worked with the 'h' and zee German.
Level 27 Chipist
post #55251 :: 2015.03.24 12:47am
  n00b and gotoandplay liēkd this
In parts of Europe, B is written as H and B♭ is written as B. This makes the sequence of notes Bach used B♭ A C B, which in this European variant of notation would be B A C H.

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