The Yamaha YM2151, also known as the OPM Chip or the Arcade-Setting in '[[DefleMask Tracker[DefleMask], is a sound chip that uses FM synthesis for sound generation. It was notably used in a number of arcade system boards as well as the Sharp X68000 home computer. '[#[Tools] '[[DefleMask Tracker] (set to Arcade system) '[#[Restrictions on submit] .vgm export from DefleMask is definitely a good way to go here. More information about allowed file formats from those who know more is appreciated tho! Adding any expansion chips to your YM2151 is not allowed! Open questions: '[ul['[li[Should formats other than .vgm be allowed (e.g. .mdx/.pdx for Sharp X68000)]] '[#[Playback (for voting)] vgmplay for submitted .vgm files '[#[See also] '[[Format]