The nsfplus format is an expansion of the '[[nsf (format)[nsf] format. The (emulated) use of additional '[[NES Famicom (console)[mapped soundchips] is allowed. '[#[Tools] - '[[FamiTracker] - '[[0CC-FamiTracker] - '[[PPMCK] - '[[IT2NSF] - '[[SuperNSF] '[#[Restrictions on submit] Implementing multiple mappers on a cart would be a difficult (or perhaps impossible) task. Only one mapper was used at a time on a cart as there was no need to be so insane. It is expected/recommended that the bitpack for an '[[OHB] specifies which expansion chip to use for an NSF+ compo, unless there is some other strong theme to keep the entries coherent. '[#[Accepted file format] .nsf '[#[Playback (for voting)] Apart from the tools you can use for creation, also: - '[[NSFplay] and '[[VirtuaNSF] (version is recommended) '[#[Render to MP3] Since '[[NSFplay] and '[[VirtuaNSF] are both capable of emulating expansion chips, rendering an NSF file with expansion chips is the same process as rendering one without. See '[l[[here] for details. '[#[See also] All related Lyceum articles: referencing to: - '[[nsf (format)] - '[[NES (console)] - '[[FamiTracker] - '[[0CC-FamiTracker] - '[[PPMCK] - '[[Deflemask Tracker] - '[[OHB] - '[[NSFplay] - '[[VirtuaNSF] referenced from: - '[[Format] - '[[nsf (format)]