A '[[BotBr] earns Taggist points by assigning useful tags that help organise BotB's many submissions. A BotBr's '[l[http://battleofthebits.com/lyceum/View/BotBr+Classes/[Class] will become Taggist when they have more Taggist points than any other point class upon '[[BotBr#Levels[levelling up]. A Taggist is represented with the following icon: '[icon[taggist] '[#[Earning Points] • One (1) point is awarded for applying at least one tag to any entry on BotB. No extra points are given for the number of tags applied. '[#[Losing Points] • One (1) point is deducted for removing all tags that a BotBr previously applied. '[#[See also] '[[BotBr Classes] '[[Format]