big shoutouts to all the xhbrs
BotB Academy Bulletins
im listening to all the recent xhbs every day and the stuff is so good, its so much fun to listen to all these entries!
and it never gets boring! ive been checking recent stuff for years now and im still not tired of anything!
Hey kudos to you for listening to all the xhbs. There is good stuff in those that doesn’t always get much visibility and it’s nice to know that someone besides voters will see and hear it!
Level 14 Chipist
post #210483 :: 2025.02.06 9:25am
  dobra, mirageofher, Kalowe, Meleody, ItsDuv, roz, Collidy, Da Flarf, kleeder and arceus413 liēkd this
it was all me trust
Level 16 Chipist
post #210512 :: 2025.02.06 5:42pm
  mirageofher, Meleody, cabbage drop, kleeder, CouldntBeMe, ItsDuv, big lumby, retrokid104, roz and Collidy liēkd this
shoutouts to the majorers for no particular reason
Level 21 Mixist
post #210556 :: 2025.02.07 11:55am
  mirageofher, Kalowe, Talen, Meleody, cabbage drop, Collidy and kleeder liēkd this
shoutout to everyone!!!!!

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