ohb tally does not match final resluts
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 22 Playa
post #18915 :: 2012.06.14 6:50pm
compare the rankings pasted into the chat log of the following ohb with the final resluts shown on the page:


I think the INF values are to blame - maybe something is causing them to re-randomize in between tally and log.stop?
Level 29 Hostist
post #19012 :: 2012.06.18 9:00am
I took a look into this, was having problems find the source of the problem. I would guess, what is happening is, the tally runs (making teh resluts) and then gets ran again after bonus points are given (making BotBr's INF different which affects teh resluts). Hopefully, I find the source of it soon! :P
Level 22 Playa
post #31089 :: 2013.08.13 4:05pm
  goluigi and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Level 24 Chipist
post #31094 :: 2013.08.13 6:32pm :: edit 2013.08.13 6:33pm
  raphaelgoulart and goluigi liēkd this
i will copy and paste my findings about the issue from where i posted them earlier because there is an official place to post em now i guess

"i am pretty sure it has to do with scrub status, as long as goluigi (or whoever else has a scrub status that im not thinking of) voted this time as well and still has that status.

it also happened in an ohc before this one (http://battleofthebits.com/arena/OHC/1480/), where kfaraday and i were both very close in places, but we swapped a few minutes after the compo ended. so basically what happened was it counted goluigi's votes as full influence, and, because he had a scrub status, it later changed his vote influence to 1/10th strength. thus the issue with the results for a bit."
Level 29 Hostist
post #31108 :: 2013.08.13 11:49pm
  raphaelgoulart and goluigi liēkd this
It's not the scrub status, influence is calculated in only one spot and it accounts for that. No, the tally got ran a second time at 3:48 after the battle had ended at 3:45. The tally code now makes sure there is no votelog.txt in the battles directory so it won't retally or write over the official log now. When you extend the voting period BotB also deletes that file.
Level 28 Chipist
post #31262 :: 2013.08.16 9:12pm
  raphaelgoulart and SketchMan3 liēkd this
I think the bugfix has backfired. I am unable to end the OHB on my end, instead getting an error saying I can't retally a battle. I don't know the link to end one either.
Level 29 Hostist
post #31265 :: 2013.08.16 10:03pm
  raphaelgoulart and SketchMan3 liēkd this
It was too secure! I did a little refactoring and should be all good now.

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