Level 29 Chipist
post #123890 ::
2020.07.23 4:22pm
MandraSigma, hanna, argarak, Jakerson, Baron Knoxburry and big lumby liēkd this
MandraSigma, hanna, argarak, Jakerson, Baron Knoxburry and big lumby liēkd this
round 2 results https://s3m.it/compo/976
KlutzyNervus1 and A-zu-ra have been eliminated.
and now for round 3!
the bitpack: https://tinyurl.com/mania8r3
the entry page: https://s3m.it/join/978
DUE TUESDAY july 28th at 23:59 UTC
KlutzyNervus1 and A-zu-ra have been eliminated.
and now for round 3!
the bitpack: https://tinyurl.com/mania8r3
the entry page: https://s3m.it/join/978
DUE TUESDAY july 28th at 23:59 UTC